Full Name
Abby Ayers
Job Title
Head of Retail & Factory Partnerships
Company Name
Fair Trade USA
Speaker Bio
Abby is a thought leader in the ethical and responsible sourcing industry. Working as a change agent with top global brands to implement Fair Trade certification for 5+ years, she is spearheading a movement that offers tangible solutions to address social and labor challenges in supply chains. Serving as the voice of the Fair Trade USA retail and factory programs, Abby’s mission is to awaken consumers to their purchasing power and support the shift towards a more responsible paradigm.
Abby brings 10+ years of retail and brand development experience. Before coming to Fair Trade USA, she supported the launch of the Simple Truth Organic brand at Kroger where she built Fair Trade into the brand’s DNA, and ultimately where her passion for sustainable development and social responsibility was sparked.
Abby Ayers